Ready for Fun Day:

We were all pretty excited about Fun Day held at the Guide Dog campus in San Rafael. Silky borrowed my bandanna and seemed to enjoy showing it off.

We're in our cowgirl togs, headed for Fun Day. Silky was pretty excited and wanted to walk fast. But she walked right next to me -- most of the way. She's on the food protocol for dog and people distractions. Fun Day promised to present us with many, many opportunities to practice.

Fun Day! Wow -- so many people; so many puppies. I hope I brought enough kibble for all the distractions.
Estimates before Saturday were that 300 people and 200 dogs would attend. It'll be fun to learn how many were actually there.
There were lots of activities and booths. Our favorite was the littermate meeting area. Silky's littermates met at 10:30.

Beautiful puppies! This is the "S" litter, born Oct. 24, 2009. From the left, the puppies are Stacy, Silky and Stockholm. Stacy is being raised in San Luis Obispo (Go, Mustangs!) and Stockholm is being raised in Stockton. We didn't see Sophie, Spencer or Susie. We ran into Stefano later in the day -- after lunch.

Time for a nap while all the people eat lunch.

Here's Silky with a picture of her mom, Melody. We met Melody's raiser and she said that Silky looks just like Melody. They are even about the same size. Silky's yellow littermates are all quite a bit bigger than she is. Silky's is just under 50 lbs. these days.

Quebec (another puppy from our club) and Stefano (one of Silky's littermates, also in our club) played for a bit on the lawn where the vendor booths were. Fun Day was filled with puppies playing with each other, information about different service dog organizations, new training protocol presentations and interesting things for the puppies to do. Silky participated in the "Recall Race" in the kennels -- she came in second.

The final event was the puppy delivery. All those very cute 8-week-old puppies were delivered to their raisers. There were a lot of fluffy golden puppies and the very cute little black lab in the picture.

Headin' out.

Ahhhhh -- Silky curled up on the floor of the car for the ride back home.